Tuesday 26 February 2013

Week 1 Day 6

I am currently six days into my 12 week transformation challenge and although I don't think there are any noticeable changes on the outside, there has definitely been some on the inside. My boyfriend John is currently out for the evening at an MMA class; this would usually mean raiding the fridge and cupboard repeatedly for something devilishly delicious and telling myself 'this one thing is only xx calories! One is okay!', followed by me not being able to stop at just one. A packet of Oreos later and whoops.. major sugar cravings.
Tonight though, I haven't ventured into the kitchen or even thought about snacking. I'm surprisingly not hungry at the moment. Result!

So, a little recap of the last few days. Upon starting BTFC, John bought me a little something that has turned out to be an amazing help:

I like experimenting with food and making healthier versions of my favourite meals which is exactly what this book does. I've cooked a meal from this book every night for dinner and they have all been amazingly yummy and nutritious (my boyfriend and sister thought so too!). So far we've had the spaghetti bolognese, chilli con carne, fish and chips, sticky honey Chinese pork with noodles and chicken korma. All big hits! Tonight we're having mac and cheese and I have very high, mouth watering hopes for it.

And there's not just dinners! I usually have crumpets for breakfast before rushing out to work, but on Saturday I made these beauties;

super scrummy blueberry pancakes. I cannot wait until next Saturday to have some more, gahhhhhhh. Yum yum yum.

 I also found myself relating to Nadia a lot when she talked about sneaking food, snacking whilst cooking, thinking calories don't count if you've consumed them in secret.. It made me realise that these were bad habits that I really needed to kick. I've focused a lot on doing that for the past week and I think I've done it! Now, to keep it long term..

For lunches I've been making my own healthy version of fried rice, but replacing the rice with bulgar wheat and adding lots of veg. It really doesn't taste like it's good for you but it is! So filling too!

It's a favourite in our house! :)

I'm still having desserts too. I'm in love with Weight Watchers Chocolate Eclairs, yummmm. 83 calories and ridiculously tasty. Bliss! Popcorn is another favourite. Nice and hot from the microwave and 400 calories for a whole big bowl (which I share with John of course).

And that's pretty much the last six days.. time to go make some mac and cheese :)

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